One Cobham

In 2023, Cobham businesses backed a proposal to establish a Business Improvement District (BID).

One Cobham is the not-for-profit organisation that is bringing to life the key priorities set out in the BID business plan.

This initiative is set to bring in over £800,000 directly into Cobham over the next five years.

We are the catalyst that supports the sustained success of Cobham’s local economy. We are dedicated to providing a dynamic platform that fosters growth for local businesses and creates an attractive destination for residents and visitors alike. Cobham stands as a beacon of opportunity, and it is our mission to merge tradition with innovation to unlock the true potential of our village.

  • Cobham is a village steeped in history, from being home to many famous writers and poets, to the tales of Gerrard Winstanley and the Diggers and boasting many famous historic houses and landmarks still in operation, including the Cobham Mill and Painshill Park. The BID is committed to protecting Cobham’s heritage. By providing moments of nostalgia and opportunities for escapism into the past, we can continue to celebrate and share its rich history for all generations

  • Cobham is already a desirable destination with a fantastic array of shops, restaurants, cafes and lifestyle locations. We will amplify this through a carefully curated digital and social media presence, as well as tailored events programmes. Overall, helping to drive more activity in the area and making it a great destination to own a business within.

  • Building on the work of the Chamber of Commerce, nurturing a strong and connected community lies at the heart of what we do. We are deeply committed to building strong relationships and supporting initiatives that enhance the landscape for business owners, community partners and residents alike. Our goal is for everyone to feel valued, heard, and empowered.

  • We are dedicated to future-proofing the high street, ensuring it remains a thriving hub for generations to come. We recognise the challenges facing high streets nationwide and are committed to providing economic, digital and sustainability-focused solutions to support local businesses. By preserving our heritage and embracing innovation, we believe that we can futureproof the high street and safeguard its pivotal role in the economic, social and cultural fabric of our modern village.

one Cobham

We are excited to share that One Cobham will be the name that the BID trades under moving forward. This name has been chosen, not only as a representation of Cobham’s uniqueness, but also as a statement to say that we are one community that will work together, supporting each other to uphold Cobham as a successful business district.

What is a biD?

Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) give a voice to business communities – championing local priorities and ensuring the right people are at the decision table. Formed on the basis that together they are stronger, business owners and representatives can focus on communal objectives to better the local trading environment in which they operate.

BIDs are established via a ballot of eligible businesses and operate in 5-year terms. Through mandatory business levies and voluntary contributions, the BID will raise over £800,000 during its first term, which will fund a range of strategic and operational projects anchored by the agenda set out in the original Cobham BID business plan.